stuff we're doing

music photography fiction blog

equinox nebulae

what are we doing here, anyway?

blogging in [current year]. feb 7, 2025.

starting things off with a sort of mission statement and introduction here.

who are we?

we are equinox nebulae, a transfem plural system consisting of five individuals: autumn, audrey, zelda, jace, and olive. we are artists of a variety of media; each of us has a fairly distinct focus, though we all collaborate on music, photography, and writing in various forms. some of us will certainly show ourselves more frequently than othersfor example, autumn is taking the lead writing this postbut we all have our fingerprints on each project.

what is this site?

this website mainly acts as a space to compile and share our work, and to write more longform personal posts. like ths one! our hope is that this will encourage us to create more and find a distinct voice, as well as build a network of folks to collaborate with.

lately, we've grown frustrated with the limitations of social media to have meaningful discussion about art, culture, and politics. of course, this is largely by design. twitter (and its ilk) were not built to have nuanced discourse. arguably the only modern, "mainstream" site that can accomodate longform writing is tumblr (which has, in recent years, attempted to model itself after twitter anyway).

we're still unsure about the shape this site will truly end up taking. the nature of our plurality is such that there are often conflicting opinions. this excites us, though! as we write more blog entries, take more pictures, make more music, the site will almost certainly transform into something unique. we already have a few topics in mind that we want to cover in our writing.

so, what's next?

great question, hypothetical reader! we have no idea. probably whichever project inspires us first. the fun part of this experiment is that we're all just along for the ride. we hope you'll join us!